• Neurosurgeon
• Spine surgeon
• Manualtherapist

Viktor Zsolt Kovari, MD

• Care, empathy
• Patient tailored solutions
• Detailed information
• Patient involvement into decision making

Patient orientation

• Minimally invasive surgical technology
-smaller incision, faster recovery
• Application of up-to-date professional
principles and knowledge
-learning and teaching

Modern spine surgery

• Precision
• Correctness
• High level surgical knowledge
• Responsibility
• Science following
• Research


• Neurosurgeon
• Spine surgeon
• Manualtherapist

Viktor Zsolt Kovari, MD

• Care, empathy
• Patient tailored solutions
• Detailed information
• Patient involvement into decision making

Patient orientation

• Minimally invasive surgical technology
-smaller incision, faster recovery
• Application of up-to-date professional
principles and knowledge
-learning and teaching

Modern spine surgery

• Precision
• Correctness
• High level surgical knowledge
• Responsibility
• Science following
• Research



As a neurosurgeon my field of specialty is spine surgery. I got interested in the treatments besides the surgical intervention, therefore I studied manualtherapy (chiropratic/osteopathy) as well.

I am convinced that the more knowledge we have, the better solutions we can find to solve the problems. The surgical interventions and the conservative treatments have to be considered parallel. Life-long learning and practice are essential for a good performance and for meeting the challenges.

On this website you can find information on the surgeries and manualtherapy. This enables you to get a clear understanding of my work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me! Wishing you a quick recovery,

Viktor Zsolt Kovari, MD

board certified neurosurgeon

Why am I the right professional to contact?

I am committed to my profession, I take part regularly in medical trainings, I use the most up-to-date knowledge and medical technology in my daily work. In the field of spine surgery I treat a wide range of disorders from the skull to the pelvis, on the whole spine including the degenerative and old-age disorders, fractures, inflammations and tumorous pathologies.

I prefer minimum invasive surgeries where it is permitted by the medical situation of the patient. In Hungary this practice is not common yet, however I frequently perform minimum invasive surgeries – spine stabilization, treatment of fractures or fusion.

It is very important that the patients understand what the disorder is, what treatments are available and what the limits of the treatment are.

I am in a position – due to my qualifications in spine surgery and manualtherapy – to evaluate the problems of the spine pro-and-con i.e. whether a surgical intervention or rather a conservative treatment is needed.

I can perform surgeries in a short time in a private institution.

Who I am?

  • The doctor who helps you to heal the disorders of the spine and inform you on every possibility.
  • The neurosurgeon and manualtherapist who can bring results.
  • The surgeon who dares to meet the challenges and is clear about the limitations of the medical situation.


Change is inevitable, progression is optional.

“Medicus curat, natura sanat” – Medical doctor treats, nature cures


Ideg és gerincsebészként vezérleveim a szakmaiság, a korrektség, a precízitás és az emberségesség, melyek mellett fontosnak tartom a folyamatos képződést, fejlődést és tudás átadását.

Modern gerincsebészet

A rég óta alkalmazott, standard műtétekre épülő újabb és újabb, egyre modernebb műtéti technológiákat is folyamatosan elsajátítom és beépítem a betege mindennapos ellátásába. Legmodernebb USA-ban is alkalmazott gerincimplantátumokat használom fel.


A manuálterápia egy olyan kezelési módszer, mely kézzel történik és a mozgásszervrendszer visszaalakítható, mozgásbeszűküléssel járó eltéréseinek megoldására szolgál. Azon belül döntően a gerinc problémáival foglalkozom.


Az, ahol kellő mennyiségű idő és figyelem jut Önre. Nyugodt, kényelmes körülmény nyújtható és a hosszas várakozások, tömött várók is elkerülhetők.

Újdonságok, hírek

© Copyright - Dr. Kővári Viktor Zsolt